سؤال وجوابdiana, jane, jacob lisa, and david picked a card from a basket before they could join the game. who got the highest number of cards? muhtway2 يونيو، 2023249 شارك علىفيس بوك تويترواتسابإقرأ أيضا زوجات الرسول كلمات كراش مرحلة 901 اليوم العاشر من شهر محرم من 7 حروف [ad_1]diana, jane, jacob lisa, and david picked a card from a basket before they could join the game. who got the highest number of cards? – سؤال وجواب التجاوز إلى المحتوىالرئيسية ⁄ ترندات ⁄ diana, jane, jacob lisa, and david picked a card from a basket before they could join the game. who got the highest number of cards? [ad_2]مصدر الخبر